miércoles, mayo 03, 2006

Back to life...

It's been a while since my last entry, and that is because I've had so many things to do and so many beatiful -and horrible- things going on in my life at the same time that I've hardly had any time to sit down and just write...
Isn't it funny how life manages to remind you of how weak the human life and body are? You thinh you are strong, healthy, you don't look really stressed or anything and, suddenly, your body collapses, it kills things you actually love and leaves you there... waiting for people to notice how desperate and pathetic you look...
And that is when you turn your face around and try to leave everybody, even those you really love, outside... so that you can suffer on your own... thanks to the powers that be I have someone by my side to remind me that "no man -or woman- is an island", so he comes to me as a draft board to save me from myself... and I thank him for that...
Now I should go back to my normal day2day life but somethin's changed inside me... I feel calm, rested... my soul mate, my partner, my man has shown me what an honest relationship is about, that one shouldn't fear the ones one loves... and that is why I love him, because he loves me for what I am, no visage, no mascarade... no make up or facade... jus me, beautiful-horrified-paranoid-sexy-sexual-sensual-liar... the whole pack just for him to unwrap...

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